
Friday, November 30, 2012

Bits and Pieces

This is something that has not been publicized. It affects those of us who purchase from

"Amazon and the State of Arizona reached an agreement that starting next July, the company would collect the 6.6% state portion of sales taxes on all goods shipped to Arizona."   This is a good reason to be sure to purchase from on line sellers who have no physical presence in Arizona.  It is also a good reason for such sellers to locate outside of Arizona.
"Bed tax revenues totaled $192,774 through October, which is $4,036 or 2% less than the amount collected in FY 11/12 through October...[Bed tax] Expenditures are estimated to come in under budget by $74,752 or 15.8%, due to projected vacancy savings and the discontinued contract payment to TREO." (Source)  Bed tax revenues are the major source of paying for the new Aquatic Center.
The Oro Valley Chamber of Commerce has provided the first of its quarterly reports to Council.   Our town officials seem to be enjoying themselves at the behest of the Chamber.  Some examples:
  • 13 Town officials took advantage of the free Chamber breakfasts, luncheons and mixers. Total Return on Investment (ROI) = $155 
  • The Town received a complimentary table of 10 at the Annual Chamber Meeting. Total ROI = $300 
  • The Town received eight (8) complimentary tables of 10 to the State of the Town Address Luncheon. Total ROI = $4,000. (source)
Aren't you glad that we fund the chamber... that they take the money we give them to entertain our town officials?  What would we do without them?