There could be fireworks at tonight's Oro Valley Town Council meeting. A discussion of four items on tonight's Oro Valley Town Council Meeting Agenda should make things interesting. You might want to attend; or, at a minimum, watch the live feed via the Town Of Oro Valley web site.
First, there's item D on the consent agenda. This would replace town attorney Tobin Rosen with an interim town attorney. What makes this interesting is that Tobin Rosen is not retiring until January; and that he has agreed to remain on staff to aid in a transition after that point. In essence then, Tobin Rosen is being relieved of his duties if this agenda item is approved. We understand that finding a new attorney to replace Tobin will take time. There is no reason that we foresee why that process can't start immediately, while Tobin is the active Town Attorney.
Second, there is the public hearing on the Innovation Park Economic Expansion Zone fast track approval process. This is item 3A on the regular agenda. You should expect discussion of adding a requirement that there be at least one public hearing for all such projects. The Oro Valley Planning and Zoning staff recommendation as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission includes no such hearing requriement; even though residents have spoken of the need for it at neighborhood meetings and at the Planning and Zoning Commission hearing on it. Their pleas have been ignored. So much for the value of community input as perceived by some who work at town hall.
Third, there is approval of two additional monument signs for the Fry's Gas station. These signs would be located along LaCanada and Lambert Lane. This is item 4 on the regular agenda. Talk about overkill. Does a "Town Of Excellence" really need five monument signs in one area? Did sign's help The Loop survive? Did signs help "Down Home Delight's" Survive? The answer, of course, is no. The Fry's gas station will be a destination store because one can get discounts on gas. Therefore, people will find it.
Fourth, there is item 6 on the main agenda. This item will change the way Council Members can add items to the council's agenda.
Recall last week we posted how items get on the Oro Valley town council agenda. Three days after this posting, we learned that there are some on council who want to change this process. They want to make it more difficult for you and for you those in the minority on council to get an item on the agenda.
In essence, implementing item 6 would meant that four members of council need to approve an item for addition to the agenda and not two. The result is that minority members of council will likely not be able to add agenda items. We don't see a need to change a procedure that is not broken. Its not as if Council Members are requesting to add frivolous items. It would be best if this change would simply "die a quiet death."
Perhaps there will be some health disagreements among council members on these four items. Perhaps, some "fireworks". We will be there. We hope that you are too.
So now they want 4 council members to approve an item to be placed on the agenda instead of approval by just 2 members.
ReplyDeleteSince we currently need only 2 members to do this, who were the 2 members who asked that this item be placed on the agenda?
And what horrible things have transpired in the past with the 2-person approval system that makes them want to change this to a 4-person approval?
I just tuned in, to the Council Meeting, at the end of Item #3, and the Mayor was on his soap box and betting on the next election. What set him off this time?
ReplyDeleteThe Council voted to table discussion of this item pending their strategic plan meetings.
I find it difficult to believe this would place high on items for the strategic plan for Oro Valley.